Happy Thanksgiving!

The work of the Center would not be possible without the contributions of so many of you. From the families who seize the opportunities available to them, to the teachers who give of their time and their knowledge, the counselors who watch over the children and see to their well-being, the university community that opens its arms to serve, the Hattiesburg community that helps us spread the word, and those who give financially to support our students in need, we thank you.

From the bottom of our hearts, we give thanks for all of you and know that without you we would not have the wonderful opportunities to serve that we thrive on. Be blessed in this season and throughout the upcoming new year, knowing that you are part of something bigger than yourselves – something that grows with each gift, each volunteer, each lesson, and each smile on a child’s face. Thank you for making what we do possible.

“From the fruit of their mouths people’s stomachs are filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied.”

Proverbs 18:20